Kua Number is a crucial concept in Feng Shui. By analyzing your Date of Birth and Gender, we can calculate your Kua Number to reveal auspicious directions for success, wealth, love, and health. This calculator also provides personality, love, health, career, and luck traits based on your Kua group.
Enter your details below to see how it all works in real time!
How the Calculation Works (Step-by-Step):
1) Take the last two digits of your birth year.
2) Sum them repeatedly until you get a single digit (the digit sum).
3) For males: subtract from 10 (if born before 2000) or from 9 (if born 2000 or later). For females: add 5 (before 2000) or add 6 (2000 or later).
4) If the result is 5, it becomes 2 (for males) or 8 (for females).
5) The final single digit is your Kua Number.
In Feng Shui, a Kua Number is tied to your birth year and gender. It's used to identify favorable directions that may foster good fortune, better health, and harmonious relationships. It’s sometimes called a “numerology” concept because we use digits of your birth year to arrive at a single value.
To find your Kua Number, take the last two digits of your birth year, sum them until you get a single digit, then add or subtract a constant (5 or 6 for females, 9 or 10 for males) depending on your birth year range. Our Kua Number Calculator above automates these steps for you, ensuring an accurate final result every time.
If you were born before 2000, add 5 to the sum of your birth year digits. If you were born in 2000 or later, add 6. If the final result is 5, it automatically becomes 8 for females. This ensures each person falls into one of eight major feng shui groups, each associated with specific directions. Please check our full guide to calculate kua number for female online.
Men typically subtract their birth year digit sum from 10 if they were born before 2000, or from 9 if born in or after 2000. If the final result is 5, it becomes 2. If this all sounds complicated, don’t worry—just use our Kua Number Calculator above to do the work for you.
If you’re wondering how to calculate Kua number for female or how to calculate Kua number for men, our tool above does it instantly. You can also explore how to find Kua number in numerology using the step-by-step approach. Knowing what is Kua number in numerology can help you better align your environment, whether at home or in the office.
Try adjusting your bed orientation, work desk facing, or important family areas according to these auspicious directions. And if you want to delve deeper, check out more on Feng Shui tips for wealth & prosperity or find ways to incorporate Feng Shui plants that enhance positive energy in your living space.
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